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Postnatal Exercise - Baby Wearing Exercise



Former midwife turned Postnatal Rehabilitation Coach with extra Postnatal Fitness Qualifications and a passion to help mums, like you, see how flaming awesome your body is and build it strong so you can have some amazeballs adventures with your littles without worrying about your bodies ability to manage.  


FREE Baby Wearing Postnatal Exercise Class
Try live or on playback

A choice of three live workouts to choose from to try for FREE - Hit the button below for more info and to sign up. 


Be transported to another world for 35 minutes allowing yourself to be totally absorbed in the feel good movement to upbeat music well and truly fuelling you physically and mentally to enjoy the rest of your day with your littles. All from the convenience of your home with your baby in a carrier or on the floor next to you.


Honestly, these classes change lives. I know because mums tell me so.


Here is your chance to find a way to change the rest of your day for the better over and over again. 

  • Feel connected to their Pelvic Floor again and confidently jump on a trampoline with your children.

  • Adventure with their children without having to worry about whether their body will manage (I am talking joining in at the park and soft place, climbing a tree and exploring the world)

  • For you if you are feeling a bit, meh, about their Postnatal body but want to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about what they see. 

  • Want an end to lower back pain so there is no limit to how long they can carry your baby for.


  • Would like to exercise but doesn't know where to start to keep it safe for your newly postnatal body. ​

FREE Strong pelvic Floor Workshop

14th May, 10AM

So you can smile with excitement and enjoy the moment when your toddler takes your hand and pulls you towards the bouncy castle instead of the feeling of dread taking over as you decline their invitation. 

  • Know how to confidently exercise whilst looking after your pelvic floor so you can start building your pelvic floor and your body strong.  

  • Have a plan of what to do next time you cough, laugh, sneeze to help your pelvic floor manage the pressure and stop letting pee out. 

  • A Live workshop (Yes I am actually there in real time) delivered by myself, Karen Ellis, Postnatal Fitness Coach and former midwife on zoom. 

  • Sign up to get the link to the workshop and then the playback delivered to you inbox after the workshop if you can't make it live. 

  • Leave the workshop feeling super confident that you are doing the pelvic floor squeezes (kegels) the midwife gave you correctly and know what the next steps are to making your pelvic floor strong so you don't end up having to kegel for the rest of your life. ​​​

The Online Membership 

In this membership you will learn about your postnatal body and how to carefully nurture your body into exercise whilst respecting that it has just had a baby so that you can feel confident you are exercising safely. 

You will leave this membership with a new gratitude and positive feelings towards your body. You will feel more connected with your body, particularly your core (Pelvic Floor and Abdominal muscles), strong in your daily movements and confident that you know what to do to keep your body strong for the rest of your life. 

The place to be if you want a strong body you can rely on to adventure with your children AND grandchildren. 

  • Full Postnatal Rehabilitation Course of step by step videos to work through in your own time.

  • A live baby wearing safe (Baby wearing is optional) exercise classes per week. 

  • A huge library of classes to watch on demand so you can work out when it is convenient for you. 

  • Access to me for support and to answer any questions along to way. 

  • Access to an army of mums who are on the same journey as you and have your back too. 

Postnatal Strong Core Course

The perfect place to start when you don't know where to start....


Suitable to jump into as soon as you feel pain free again after birth or ten years later. This will always be the work you need to do first when thinking about building your core strong again after having a baby no matter how soon or long ago that was.


Connect with, know how to strengthen safely and how to use your core and body strong in daily life. 

After this course you will feel confident you know how to walk into another exercise class of your choice and keep your postnatal body safe and strong. You will know how to move about your daily life using your core effectively to support your body. 


  • Three units of step by step videos to watch in your own time.

  • Accessible on any device that can access the internet. 

  • A handful of strengthening videos to music to get you started. 

  • A course that you get to keep forever so you can re watch and re visit as many times as you like.

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