Postnatal Exercise

A rolling monthly online membership for you, new mum, so you can have dry knickers (that's a strong pelvic floor), healed stomach muscles and a body that will take you on active adventures and help you create gorgeous memories with your children without worrying about whether your body can.
You are signing up to so much more than just exercise. You are signing up to be empowered by learning exactly how your pelvic floor, stomach and body all work together, so you can fully recover your body after having a baby and be strong forever.
I am thinking about old lady you, who has used everything you have learned in this membership for her whole life and through her menopause to keep dry knickers and stay strong and is still able to kick a ball with her grandchildren.
By investing in this membership you are investing your body forever. And you only get one body - so give it what it needs now to be able to stay active forever.

(Babywearing is optional in these classes)
What you get
Postnatal Recovery Videos Made by ex midwife and fully qualified postnatal recovery expert, they take you one step at a time, via bite-sized videos, through exactly what you need to do to recover your body after having a baby. So there is no more wasted time and head space wondering what to do next or how to recover your body, you can get right into it. A more useful and wholesome alternative to the doom scrolls when you are nap-trapped or feeding your baby.
Live (optionally) baby wearing safe postnatal exercise classes. Developed and choreographed to music by a former midwife (that's me!) Mondays 10AM. (Don't worry if you can't make it live - there are loads of replays) Hands down the best way to start your week with or without your baby in a carrier, to give you that boost of energy you need to be the more patient and calmer mum you want to be. Disclaimer - expect to smile and laugh a lot - which makes it fun - so you actually want to turn up!
Unlimited access to class playbacks A whole library of past classes available to access on demand at any time of day so you can fit it around your life. Great for keeping a class open on a separate tab on your phone to dip in and out of when you have a spare 5-10 minutes. There are also 15 minute workouts too, so you can actually find the time to fit the work in to get strong. ​
Access to a postnatal recovery expert The opportunity to ask me questions live after classes or via the Facebook group or email so you can feel confident you are getting it right and keep making progress towards that feeling of energised joy (rather than dread) when your toddler takes your hand and pulls you towards the trampoline. ​
A community of like-minded new mums You get access to a Facebook group of other mums on exactly this same journey so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you are not alone. You feel seen as you work out alongside other mums also juggling the baby, a toddler clung to their leg, vommit down their boobs and a dog trying to join in. Often we will all stop for a chat after class to swap workout chaos stories.
Printable's - A printable roadmap of the work you are doing in the membership, habit trackers and body positive art to use as visual aids on your fridge to remind you to do the work and hold you accountable.
BONUS - Body Positive Parenting Course - Usually £99. A whole course focusing on body image and helping you step away from the worlds messages that your body should look a certain way so you can feel confident and happy in the body you are in right now. It also teaches you how you can parent in a way that will help your children be resilient from those messages too.
BONUS - Baby sessions - A bank of sessions you can do with your baby on days that you don't want to leave the house but want something fun and more structured to do together. There are baby signing, yoga, massage, singing and sensory sessions.
BONUS - Postnatal Workshops - A whole section devoted to different workshops that will support you as a mum to a little. The workshops are brought to you by experts in their field on baby wearing, weaning, feeding, sleeping, maternal mental health and body confidence.
At an absolute bargain price of £22 Per Calendar Month because I want my support to be accessible to everyone. You are getting way more than £22 of value per month, but I don't want money to be a barrier to receiving my support.
You only need 5-10 minutes, 5 days a week to really see progress in your recovery.
No contract, Cancel anytime
Invest in your body now by grabbing your spot in the membership.....

This is for you, new mum, if you......
Don't want to feel worried about exercising anymore. You want to understand your postnatal body so you can feel safe and confident exercising knowing you are looking after your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
Want to fully recover your body after having a baby, but you don't know where to start and wish someone would take you by the hand and show you one step at a time.
Want to feel joy, rather than dread, when your toddler slides their hand into yours and pulls you towards the trampoline. You don't even think about your pelvic floor anymore because you are confident your body can keep your knickers dry. Instead, you enjoy the moment and create an incredible memory.
Want to learn what is going on with your stomach, how to heal it and to be able to look in the mirror feeling confident and content with it.
Want to walk out of the swimming pool changing rooms onto the poolside not giving two hoots about what your body looks like because you are fully immersed in the excitement of your toddler who wants to show you their new tricks. You have had enough of being consumed with dread that the swim session participants are going to see your body in a swimsuit and are ready to do things differently.
Want to be around uplifting, inspiring, like-minded new mums who are also covered in vom and dribble, up to their elbows in poop and wondering how on earth they do this parenting thing whilst getting strong.
Need a super accessible way to exercise without even having to leave the house or your baby's side. (No one will ever know if you work out in your pyjamas)

Your body has just done the massive thing of growing a human inside it and moving organs and muscles to accommodate that. That has put a strain on your pelvic floor, stomach and your whole body.
To have a pelvic floor, core and body that is strong, can manage menopause and is still able to function into old age, you really do have to do this work to recover your body properly after having a baby and understanding how the muscles in your pelvic floor, core and body work together so you can be empowered to exercise and move strong for the rest of your life.
This really is an investment that will last for the rest of your life.

Your journey...
Once you grab your spot in the membership you will get an email in your inbox instantly with a hello from me, live class details and links to access the online platform.
The online platform holds step by step videos, audios, text, podcasts, printables and art that take you one step at a time through the 8 steps of recovering your body after having a baby. Oh, and the bonuses (There are some pretty epic bonuses - more on those later).
You will start by optionally printing out a roadmap with the 8 steps to hang on your fridge as a visual for the work you are doing and a habit tracker to hold you accountable for doing the work.
You will then move through the 8 steps to being fully recovered after having a baby by using;
- The step-by-step videos
- 15-minute core workouts
- Live class on a Monday morning
- 40+ on-demand classes
- 15-minute workouts
- Audios
You can work through at your own pace in your own time. If all you have is 5 minutes, 5 days a week - that's great - you will see progress with that.
I listed the 8 steps that I will take you through in the membership to recover your body after having a baby below. This podcast episode is also a really awesome listen to understand what it is that you need to do to recover your body. ​

Step 1
Pelvic Floor Connection.
This is way more than just a quick squeeze. Has anyone actually talked you through HOW to do a squeeze?
I teach you exactly how via step by step videos.

step 2
Connecting with Abdominal muscles
Activate abdominal muscles to heal separation and support the pelvic floor.
Via bitesized videos I help you assess your own stomach for separation and teach you how to heal it.

step 3
Get Confident Connecting
Use videos and audios to become confident connecting your core so you can use it in exercise and day-to-day movement to support your pelvic floor, stomach and body.

step 4
Adding small movement
Add small movements via the 15-minute core workouts to learn how movement works with your core connection so you can move strong.

step 5
Keep Safe
Learn what exercise is safe for your body and what is not so you can go into any exercise class feeling empowered you can look after your pelvic floor, stomach muscles and postnatal body.

step 6
Learn bigger movements
Now you feel confident connecting with your core and keeping your body safe - Let's exercise safely!
Live and on-demand (optionally baby-wearing) 30 and 15 minute classes.

step 7
Make it a way of life
Learn strong movement patterns so that hanging the washing and pushing a pram becomes a workout rather than a strain on your body.
Watch a movement video and quickly implement what you have learned into your day to day movement.

step 8
Feel amazing in your body
Find body positive notes and art dotted throughout the membership and a full bonus course so you can learn to let go of the messages the world gives you that your body should look a certain way and start making gorgeous memories without wondering whether your stomach is sticking out.

At an absolute bargain price of £22 Per Calendar Month because I want my support to be accessible to everyone. You are getting way more than £22 of value per month, but I don't want money to be a barrier to receiving my support.
You only need 5-10 minutes, 5 days a week to really see progress in your recovery.
No contract, Cancel anytime
Invest in your body now by grabbing your spot in the membership.....

More about the Postnatal Exercise Classes......
Live each Monday at 10 AM and unlimited on-demand classes too.
Take a look at an example class here.
You can baby wear - But this is optional!
On demand for you to complete at a time that suits you so you can actually fit them in. You can even have a class open on a seperate tab on your phone to complete over a couple of days when you get a spare 5 minutes here and there.
Classes are 35 minutes long. The perfect amount of time for a full workout and to fit in around your baby. But if you can't manage 35 mins, you can break them up into 10 mins here and there.
Classes are online so you don't have to think about leaving the house, you are in your own environment if a poonarmi strikes and the toddler can join in.
I will instruct core connection throughout. Practising this core connection whilst exercising with me will mean that you really get to grips with bigger moves and how you can switch on your core to support your body. All of this learning can be taken into any exercise class for the rest of your life so you know exactly how to exercise safely for your body.
I choreograph the classes to upbeat feel good music to make them way more fun so you are more likely to come back!
I give lots of levels throughout and encourage you to go at your own pace. So these are perfect if you have never exercised before or if you are ready for some more hardcore workouts. ​

After your time with me in the membership....
- When your toddler complains of tired legs you will be able to swoop them up and balance them on your hip whilst your baby is in a carrier on your chest and you have a shopping bag in the other hand without having to worry about whether your body can.
​- You will be able to walk into any exercise class with the tools and knowledge to know exactly what level of exercise to choose or how to adapt the exercise to be exactly what your body needs at that time. This includes learning to do this with prolapse, pelvic symptoms and Diastasis Recti.
- You will stop thinking about your body very much because you trust it to switch on the muscles in your pelvic floor and stomach when they are needed for support.
- You will be able to cough/laugh / sneeze/jump on a trampoline with dry knickers.
- When the warmer-than-expected sun hits your body on a spring day you will embrace the moment, strip to your pants with your children and run into the sea immersed in the moment that will become a core memory without giving a second thought to how your body looks. ​
- You will feel empowered and inspired to go and live a more active life with your children and a body that can manage that.
" I tried a short yoga class and there were some ab exercises in it and for the first time ever I know I did it right and I could feel how different it was! Very inspired now.

This is me......
Nice to meet you!
I am Karen, a former midwife turned Postnatal Recovery Expert. After deciding to leave my career as a midwife I now help mums have dry knickers and feel strong in their bodies so they can withstand the physical challenges their future motherhood adventures take them on allowing them to be their best version of mum.
My approach nurtures the newly postnatal body carefully and safely into exercise. I personally find standard exercise boring. So, I bring postnatal exercise classes that are choreographed to upbeat happy music to give it that fun twist, with a bit of laughter and silliness added in for good measure.
After my 6-year-old looked at herself in the mirror and said ‘I hate my body’ I supped up everything I could about the body-positive movement and weaved that into the work that I do. This opens mum's eyes to how incredible their body is for what it has done and still DOES and they stop giving two hoots about how their body looks. The outcome for mums in my world is that they feel powerful in the body they are in just now and call bull to messages society gives them that their body should look different so how their body looks no longer stops them from living life to the fullest.
So, here I am ready to help you, a new mum, build a strong core and body, learn to acknowledge how flaming incredible it is and feel amazing in it. Let’s go!

BONUS - Baby sessions
A bank of sessions you can do with your baby on days you don't want to leave the house but want something fun and more structured to do together. There are so many bonding opportunities with your baby in the baby signing, yoga, massage, singing and sensory sessions.

BONUS - Postnatal Workshops
A whole section devoted to different workshops that will support you as a mum to a little. The workshops are brought to you by experts in their field on baby wearing, weaning, feeding, sleeping, maternal mental health and body confidence.
Added Bonus's
BONUS - Body positive Parenting Course - Usually £99
A whole course focusing on body image and helping you step away from the worlds messages that your body should look a certain way so you can feel confident and happy in the body you are in right now. It also teaches you how you can parent in a way that will help your children be resilient from those messages too.
- Step-by-step videos that can be listened to like podcasts so you can fit it in on your walks with the baby.
- Two interactive workbook that you can take to bed with you to consolidate the work.
Have a look here for full info on the Body Positive Parenting Course that you get FREE access to with the membership.

At an absolute bargain price of £22 Per Calendar Month because I want my support to be accessible to everyone. You are getting way more than £22 of value per month, but I don't want money to be a barrier to receiving my support.
You only need 5-10 minutes, 5 days a week to really see progress in your recovery.
No contract, Cancel anytime
Invest in your body now by grabbing your spot in the membership.....

Claire and Zane
‘I love these sessions, they are so fun and much more than the sling/exercise class I thought I was signing us up for! Karen is incredibly supportive, explaining how to engage, love and look after your pp body. Baby Zane is a big fan too and always falls asleep towards the end - perfect as I have some time to collapse and recover in a sweaty mess’

Melissa and Bee
It has been amazing and a pleasure to be part of your group. You have helped me greatly with my self confidence and love for myself 🥰. Your workouts are fun and effective. I have corrected my Diastasis Recti, amazing as suffered with it since my first over 10 years ago, going from a 6cm plus gap after my last baby to almost nothing now . My core is strong, I'm energised and happy, and that's what you have given me. Thank you so much for all your time and hard work. You offer far more than just a workout. You have the biggest heart, you are amazing!!!

'I love the ethos of the group - very supportive and all about appreciating what our bodies have been through and building it back strongly’
But my baby is heavy! I don't think I will manage to join in classes carrying them.
I understand that joining in classes with a weight on you is a concern. Especially as you introduce exercise to your postnatal body. I am
The short answer is Yes, there are many women that do the classes with their large toddler so it is totally doable. The longer answer is.....
Your body nurtured correctly can become super strong and reliable and can manage to carry your baby whilst working out. But it does need to be nurtured.
If you joined the membership I would suggest you go straight into the Postnatal Rehabilitation Course first so that you learn to connect with your core and you recognise when exercise is safe and isn’t safe for you. Then you would start classes from a low level. You might need to do just part of the class with your baby in a carrier to begin with and then build upon that. But once you have been doing classes for a while you will definitely be strong enough to do full classes carrying your little, or not so little.
We carry our babies a lot anyway right? They are only going to get bigger and heavier and we are still going to expect our bodies to carry our babies. So let's make them strong enough to manage it and practice that carrying in a safe controlled environment (my classes) so when you move about carrying your baby in day to day life you feel strong and capable to do so.
I'm not sure I will be able to work Zoom, I'm not that technical.
Zoom is super easy to use on any device that can access the internet. You will have a link that you can use that will take you to the first class. You will be asked to download zoom the first time you attend a live class, but don't worry it's a click of a button and the rest sorts itself out. It is super easy! However, If this is something that worries you, I am more than happy to walk you through the process. Just drop me a message so I can help you out.
I am scared to join a live class, I don't want people to see me.
Just like walking into a class for the first time it can seem a little scary to enter an online class too. That's OK, I feel it too when I attend somewhere new. I want to reassure you that we are all super kind and we are on your side. No judgement! Also, if you would prefer not to be seen on a zoom class you can opt to have your video turned off once the class gets started. I can help you do this if you need help.
When can I join in with classes?
The short answer to this is when your baby is 6 weeks old post vaginal birth and 12 weeks post C section and you have had the OK from a health care professional.
However, for optimum safety it is a good idea to ensure you can connect with your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles effectively before you start any intense exercise. You can join in with the classes at a lower level whilst you get the hang of how to use your breathe, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles throughout the class. Once you have joined the membership you get access to a step by step online course that talks you through how to do this safely and effectively.
How old can my baby be to join in the class in a sling?
There isn't a simple answer to this question it depends on a few things. Firstly, there is no 'rule' as to what weight your baby should be when you need to stop carrying them in a sling in a class. It is all dependant on how you feel and what you can manage.
If you sling your baby regularly from birth then your body will be used to it and your muscles will strengthen to accommodate the increase in weight. There is no reason why you couldn't be slinging a baby up to 2 years old or even beyond if you are used to it and dependant on the weight of your baby. When your baby starts to feel heavy or restricts your view it's helpful to start slinging them on your back.
If however you are not used to slinging you may need to ease yourself into it. You can do this by slinging your baby for short walks and building the distance of your walks. Make sure you take correct posture into consideration. You could also join in part of a class, taking regular breaks and/or staying at the lower levels of the exercises. Perhaps the only way of finding out if it is going to work for you is to give it a try. I am more than happy to discuss this with you if you are unsure whether it would be suitable for you.
What if I want to take part without carrying my baby?
This is absolutely fine and encouraged! Sometimes your baby might be napping or just not in the mood for being in a sling. Also, you may like to join in the membership to build a strong core after your child has grown past the baby stage. You are more than welcome to do so. It will still be effective and still result in a stronger, functional core.
I am worried I wont be able to keep up with the class.
You really have nothing to worry about. You can take the class at your own pace. You are welcome to take breaks whenever you like. There are also several levels in the workout so you can choose a level that suits you.
If you have any more questions please just ask! I am here for YOU
What if I just want to do Core workouts without anything else?
I have included a section that has abdominal workouts that you can do without your baby in a sling so you can really concentrate on all the super important abdominal muscles that you need to learn to connect with and strengthen.
However, it is really important to consider that the muscles in your butt, legs and even your arms are all connected and support each other. So you really should be strengthening your whole body alongside your abdominal muscles.
What if I don't have Facebook?
Thats not a problem, We can keep in touch via email.
Still have questions?
Please reach out to me
- email me
- Message me on Facebook
- Call me 07769357334