Postnatal Exercise

With Karen Ellis, Midwife turned Postnatal Rehabilitation Coach
This package of Postnatal Rehabilitation coaching which includes 121 support is perfect for any mum (no matter how old your children are) who wants support to work out how on earth postnatal fitness fits into their life as a busy mum.
This is not your typical 121 coaching where I stand over you telling you what to do and you rely solely on me being there to do the work. In this coaching you will learn how to make a plan for fitness for the week coming and how to fit it into your busy life as a mum.
Together we will also take into account the fact your incredible body has had children and make sure we are doing this safely by considering your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. So this is the perfect place to be if you are worried about exercising with a Diastasis Recti (separation in your abdominal muscles) or pelvic floor symptoms.
This package is costed per week so you can take as long or as little time over learning the tools you need, to be able to be your own fitness coach for the rest of your life. My hope is that I will help you get to a stage that you don’t need me anymore! In the meantime you can lean on me for support, encouragement, accountability and my tool kit to get you to there.

This is perfect for you if you are a mum who……..
Has never tried to fit postnatal exercise into your life yet but wants to get it right the first time.
Keeps trying to fit fitness into your life but you just can’t seem to make it work. You could have perhaps been a past member of my membership or joined other postnatal fitness programmes with the intention to build a strong body for your future but never actually managing to fit it in your life and keep it up.
Wants to have a body that is strong and you feel confident can allow you to pick up your growing baby as they get heavier, climb a tree with your children and have a lifetime of fun.
Is worried about Diastasis Recti, that is a separation in your abdominal muscles, but wants to exercise. Maybe you don’t know where to start or you are worried to start encase you could make things worse. We will assess a Diastasis Recti together and make a plan of action that feels safe and achievable.
Has had enough of pelvic floor symptoms and wants to feel confident in your pelvic floor so you don’t even have to consider it when your toddler takes your hand and leads you to the trampoline. But you don’t know where to start when it comes to exercising, you keep trying but you feel like you are failing because it doesn’t fit into your life, you forget to do your exercises and you don’t even really know what you are doing anyway.
How this package will help if you are a mum who has just nodded her way through the last section.......
You will learn how to build the foundations of your body before you start to exercise so you are protecting your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles and keeping your body nice and safe.
You will learn to listen into your body. By the end of working with me you will be able to trust that you know what is best for your body. You will know what exercises are good for you and what are not and then adapt moves to make them easier or harder to suit your body that day. This means you will be able to walk into any type of exercise and assess for yourself whether it is good for you and adapt it so it is - for the rest of your life!
You will have me to check in with each week so you can be reassured you are keeping yourself safe. I will also help you work out if you need to ask for additional support from a womens physio or G.P.
You will learn how exercise can fit into your busy life. We will make lots of plans together - many will fail, but you will learn to see these failings as clues to what could work and then adapt appropriately, eventually finding the plan that does fit. I want you to be part of this process and learn it too. Our lives are constantly changing and it is important that we adapt and change our fitness plans to work with our lives. This is exactly how I have managed to keep fitness in my life with my two children over the years. I want you to have these skills so when your life changes you can change your fitness plan too.
You will have the accountability to get going at a time that is hard! Fitting another thing into your life is HARD work! I get it! I will be there to keep making sure you keep trying. I don’t hold you accountable in a shouty ‘try harder, go go go!’ way that you would expect from a lot of fitness coaches. If you didn’t manage the last weeks tasks we will look at why, adjust your plan and I will get my pom poms out and cheer you along. (*Note to self - buy some pom poms. That’s actually an awesome idea)

The cost is simple. £50 per week for as many or as few weeks you feel like you need my extra support for.
I am currently have openings for one more mum to take up this package only. Then I will open a waitlist.
Once you get the hang of it this will run perfectly into my membership where you can consolidate everything you have learnt knowing you can check in with me if you need to.
Then you will be ready to go out into the world of fitness alone.
DM me on social media or email me at to get our first 121 booked in.

What exactly does this package include?
1 weekly 121 session with me of up to an hour to plan for the week ahead, learn and get the support and accountability you need.
Access to 3 x live group postnatal exercise classes.
A bank of past classes on demand so you can slot them into your schedule if the lives don’t work for you.
Short workouts on demand so there is lots of choice to be flexible around your life.
Who are you?
Oh silly me. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I am Karen Ellis and I live on the east coast with my 9 year old and 16 year old. Once upon a time I used to be a midwife serving mums like you throughout their pregnancy, births and postnatal period. I LOVED it! But the system didn’t let me give the care I believed you all deserved and I couldn’t manage that. So, I made my own system of a very specific type of postnatal care (Which is very lacking) and here I am now.
It is my fear that mums like you will jump into advanced exercise without looking after the foundations of your body (your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles - that’s your core). I want you to have the knowledge and support you need to carefully nurture your body to full strength after you have had a baby so it can stay strong forever!
​I believe your postnatal fitness journey is also so much more than getting strong. It also includes how to fit it into your life as a mum. I actually think this is the harder bit. I also believe it includes how to accept and be happy in your body now that looks different to the body you had before you had babies. These things I am passionate about to my bones and work towards helping as many mums as I can in between enjoying the seaside with my pup and littles (who are not so little now, sobs) and aerial hooping.

One last thing to bear in mind, I am not a physio............
Please do bear in mind that I am not a Physio. I have a really good knowledge about the womens body after having a baby and know how to help you rehabilitate your postnatal body. For the vast majority of women this is going to be exactly what you need. For others you may need additional support from a physio or G.P. I will be constantly helping you assess this and together we can work out if you should seek this additional support. Even if you do need to seek a referral to a physio this work is really great to do in the meantime. So you can wait on the referral knowing you are making progress and then confidently attend your physio appointment knowing exactly what you need to ask for support with. '

So what are you waiting for?
£50 a week for as many or as few weeks as you need to kick start you on the journey to a body you feel powerful in so you can live your best life making awesome memories with your children - its a no brainer right?
DM me on my socials here (Facebook, Instagram) or drop me an email at and lets get you booked in for your first weekly session.

I will leave you with........
this email I received from a mum that was in a small group coaching course with me and then spent some time in the membership......